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The information contained in this website is - to the best of the authors' knowledge and ability- accurate, truthful, factual, legal, and obtained from reliable and professional sources through considerable research and inquiry. The authors will not be held responsible for any unintentional errors, incorrect information, or any inferences drawn from the content by any reader. Use at your own discretion and care. is not a manufacturer or seller of watches.

The products on the website are not sponsored or endorsed by any celebrities or other famous persons. No celebrities or other famous persons are affiliated with in any way. Celebrity images and movie screenshots are used for information and comparison purposes only to show the details of the watch worn by the celebrity. Celebrity images used are property of their respective owners. Occasionally a celebrity may be pictured on the set of a movie, television series or other form of advertising. claims no endorsement or sponsorship from any entities involved in the production, distribution of or any other activities in which a celebrity may be pictured. respects the intellectual property of others. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please contact

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